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Keep Your Website in Top With These Simple Web Design Tips

Keep Your Website in Top With These Simple Web Design Tips

Build an Organized Website

In designing your website, it is best to keep things clean and simple, not filling it up with lots of unnecessary stuff.

If this is your first time to create a website, this step may prove to be challenging. Though it can be quite easy to add just anything or everything to your website, do not act like a child who buys from a candy store. If you want to add search boxes, videos, graphics or Twitter streams, make sure to keep them simple. Readers can easily get distracted and confused if there are too many things displayed on your web pages. When you are running a blog, you certainly want viewers to read your posts and not get distracted along the way by a flashy graphic that does not help at all.

Designing Tips - VelaDesigner
Keep Your Website in Top With These Simple Web Design Tips

Consider the goal you want your site to achieve, and design it to accomplish that.

More White Space is better

Some people may wonder why the rooms of display homes are painted white. This is to show off the best features of the house. Adding colorful wallpaper will just distract people.

The same is true when it comes to websites. There is no need to fill up all the spaces with anything - it is best to leave the space white.

White space is more effective. It allows viewers to focus their attention to parts of your site that you want them to view, and makes your site simpler and neater.

Easy Navigation

Navigation is the way to reach your site and get to different parts of it. People can get confused and impatient with many, different links, so it is best to minimize your menus and just use a few. These should be the links to the most valuable web pages you want your viewers to find (such as "contact" and "about us" pages).

Responsive Web Design

In designing your website, choose if you want it to be responsive or not. You must realize that a "responsive website" works well on all kind of devices - including tablets, laptops and mobile phones.

There is no reason why any person would not want his/her site to work on different devices. However, this is important to keep in mind, since there are a number of themes that are not responsive.

Nowadays, more people are searching the web using their smart phones, so it is an advantage to allow your site to work for them. When people cannot use your site, you limit your prospective audience.

Helpful Web Design Tips

While these web design tips are simple, they can help in letting you get started. The most important thing to remember is to keep your site as simple as it can be, and to make sure it is responsive in order to let the users view it on whatever device they use. When you do this, you will come up with a site that is respectable.

Do you like Vela Designer web design? Looking for a Graphic Designer expert to deliver what you need? Come and visit our website to learn more about our services!


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